Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm doomed!

The ever so famous Woodstock 5K that I vowed to be uber prepared for this year is in just a few days. I swore up and down that I would walk before dinner with the kids. Guess how many times that has happened? Indulge me as I whine a bit. Being a working mom is hard. Not to say it is harder than a stay at home mom, which is difficult in it's own way, but it is hard! There isn't enough time. I've adjusted the time I wake up and attempted to adjust the time I go to bed. (you see how well that is working out, right?) But it just never works. My schedule looks something like this.

4:30 AM alarm goes off for hubby
5:00 AM I roll out of bed and shower
5:30 AM Hubby leaves and I attempt to take 30 minutes of quiet time before the kids wake up.
6:00 AM Kids are up and getting ready
6:30 AM Kids are off to Mom-mom's and I'm off to work.
7:30-11:00AM- work like a dawg
11:00-12:00PM- 30 minutes at curves (when there is someone there to open the doors) and a quick lunch.
12:00-4:30PM- Working again.
4:30-5:15PM- Driving home from work
5:15-5:45PM- Picking up kids, getting organized (HA!) for the rest of the night. Usually this means zombie mode in front of the laptop for 40 minutes til I or the hubby muster up the motivation to feed the hungry kids who have usually fed themselves with snacks (at last I can say the snacks are healthy) by then.
6:30-7:15PM- Dinner
7:15-8:00PM- Kid time usually reserved for snuggling, reading, bathing, arguing, snuggling, you know....
8:00-9:00PM- A desperate attempt at getting school work done so I don't have to cram it all into the weekend. Usually spent by alt-tabbing back and forth between facebook, news stories and discussion boards.
Target bedtime is 9:00, but it usually is more like 10-12, depending on the workload and my focusability. (yes, this word will be a new induction to the Lori Dictionary)
*Disclaimer: This schedule does not include any church meetings, dance class, school orientations, altered work schedules, etc.

So, you see, when on earth am I supposed to fit a walk in? I know, really poor excuse. The other really poor excuse is that is horribly hot. And after working on my feet all day in between a sales counter and a hot warehouse, the outside hot beating sun of 6:00 PM is not very appealing. And there are not alternatives for walking in this bo-dunk town unless I'm a member of a massive Baptist Church which is pretty much not ever going to happen.

Thanks for letting me whine. I'm so unprepared for this 5K. I'm gonna hit the exercise bike and curves (assuming someone is there to open the door, unlike today) and stretch like crazy. I'm so proud of my church family for braving the storm with us this year, and I can't let them down. I will finish, even if they have to wheel me off of the course. I need to do it for myself, my kids, my friends and anyone who thinks this is a big deal. It's really amazing and I never regret it. I just dread it. Especially this year.

And with that, I'm going to have sweet dreams, I hope you will do the same!

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