Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's Friday night.....

Oh it's not. Shoot. Oh well, only a one more night and it will be. Not that that has anything to do with this blog. Other than let you know how delirious, or perhaps delusional I might be.

As far as the diet goes today, well, not as bad as yesterday but much room for improvement. Ask my tummy, and my complexion. I did however make it to Curves today. I pushed through my workout despite my uncooperative hip, crampy calf and wobbly arms. I also weighed myself and I'm holding steady at my most recent loss. I'm happy with that, considering I have not been very consistent.

And, of course, I did the push-ups. I was hoping for a measly 30 or 40, following my app. But no, because I was honest about my progress yesterday, it made me do 70! And I will go to sleep tonight....again.....with quivering biceps. But you know what's cool? I can totally feel the effects of my push ups in my abs! I had know idea what a workout they are. So, painful yes. Worth it? Time will tell, but I'm anxious to see the results of push-up consistency. And maybe one day I can get off of my knees.

With that, good night. And here is to hoping tomorrow will fly so that I can really say "It's Friday night!"

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