Monday, August 15, 2011

Off to a good start, this fine Monday.

Today was the first day of our new morning routine, and I have to say, I love it! It was so nice to spend some time with my kids this morning. You know, since they have been going to daycare, I've never had this time, and I really enjoyed seeing them fresh and new and excited to start the day. We started off our day with really awesome smoothie's made with Greek yogurt, soy milk, fresh strawberries and frozen bananas. During breakfast, we chatted, laughed, talked and loved on each other. Then I took the kids to school. For lunch I enjoyed my usual slimfast, cheese stick and apple. I blew it on the way home with peanutbutter pretzels and an oatmeal cookie with a diet dr. pepper. But for dinner, we had an awesome pork roast with black eyed peas and fresh steamed green beans.

I went to curves on my lunch break and had an okay workout. I didn't push it because my knee and hip are still hurting, so I don't want to aggravate them. But, I still burned over 200 calories. And, I lost almost four pounds since I weighed myself last week! I am now down 15 lbs since May. And that's not even trying as hard as I can, so I can't wait to watch the results once I get my act together.

The other important thing that happened today was the whole God thing. You know, something is just different with you start your day with the Lord. Or invite him to start it with you, since he is always there. My prayer practice didn't go as I had intended, but I made time for it anyway. Then the kids and I said a blessing on the day on the way to school. I felt so light and free all day. Nothing got under my skin. My head was clear, my thoughts were positive. It was just different. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Well, I'm tired, and I'm rambling. Moral of this story is God+Family+Healthy food= Happy Lori. Happy Lori is bound to succeed.

Goodnight y'all!

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