Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wait, it's only Tuesday?

So the morning routine is going great, for the first two days at least. My healthy breakfast choices are a big hit, the kids are calm and happy and we are not so rushed. This morning I rode my bike for 30 minutes while facebooking on my phone (lol, it made 30 minutes feel like 10). I burned a little over 100 calories, so I think I need to choose a workout rather than just pedal. And now I'm about to embark on my push-up adventure. I ate well today, and feel great because of it. It's amazing what a healthy menu will do for energy levels. My evening routine leaves much to be desired. Tonight we didn't eat until a quarter to 8! I got busy doing stuff in the kitchen and time just got away from me. The kids got tired so they barely ate. And here it is 9:00 and I'm soooo ready for bed. I know we'll get the hang of it. I'm trying something new.....patience. Routine is not one of my better qualities. It is something that I know I need to work on though, so I'm gonna do it. I read once that 28 days forms a habit (I think it was 28) and that's what our routines need to be. A habit, with flexibility.

Alright, off to bed. I hope whoever is reading this had an awesome day and great day tomorrow!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Off to a good start, this fine Monday.

Today was the first day of our new morning routine, and I have to say, I love it! It was so nice to spend some time with my kids this morning. You know, since they have been going to daycare, I've never had this time, and I really enjoyed seeing them fresh and new and excited to start the day. We started off our day with really awesome smoothie's made with Greek yogurt, soy milk, fresh strawberries and frozen bananas. During breakfast, we chatted, laughed, talked and loved on each other. Then I took the kids to school. For lunch I enjoyed my usual slimfast, cheese stick and apple. I blew it on the way home with peanutbutter pretzels and an oatmeal cookie with a diet dr. pepper. But for dinner, we had an awesome pork roast with black eyed peas and fresh steamed green beans.

I went to curves on my lunch break and had an okay workout. I didn't push it because my knee and hip are still hurting, so I don't want to aggravate them. But, I still burned over 200 calories. And, I lost almost four pounds since I weighed myself last week! I am now down 15 lbs since May. And that's not even trying as hard as I can, so I can't wait to watch the results once I get my act together.

The other important thing that happened today was the whole God thing. You know, something is just different with you start your day with the Lord. Or invite him to start it with you, since he is always there. My prayer practice didn't go as I had intended, but I made time for it anyway. Then the kids and I said a blessing on the day on the way to school. I felt so light and free all day. Nothing got under my skin. My head was clear, my thoughts were positive. It was just different. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Well, I'm tired, and I'm rambling. Moral of this story is God+Family+Healthy food= Happy Lori. Happy Lori is bound to succeed.

Goodnight y'all!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Sunday night

That it is. The close of another busy weekend and the beginning of a new week. I often feel like I should get another day off just to recover from the weekend. One of the joys of working outside of the home during business hours. There are things that get put off until the weekend. Then there are things you can only do on the weekend. So you are trying to cram five days of things that need to be done on top of the things than can only be done, into two measly days that seem to only have 8 hours rather than the normally scheduled twenty four. But, I'm proud to say I accomplished a little that was important, not much that was not. Spent some time doing school work, spent some time with the family, spent some time doing nothing.....including eating right or exercising. But that's okay. I did spend some quality time making a menu and grocery list. Probably 2/3rds of my gigantic bill was fresh fruits and veggies. Now the discipline will come in, trying to be motivated enough to cook them. With as much as I spent, I'd better succeed. I'm looking forward to trying a few new recipes this week. I'm changing it up in a good way. I hope it is worth it! If it all tastes as good as it sounds and as pretty as it looks, we might have success! Time will tell. Tomorrow starts our new morning routine, new work out schedule and also my new prayer time. I think something that I have been missing is some regularly scheduled time with God. After all, he is who leads me and will guide me on the right path. If I don't invite him to the party, how will I know where to go from here. I look forward to opening my heart and mind to whatever it is God has in store for me. Now that I have rambled in forty different directions (see what my husband has to put up with?) I'm going to bed. I hope everyone has a wonderful night. Much love to all...


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reprogramming in progress

I am finally starting to feel better today. May the last couple of days at work were rough with my hip and then my arms from the push-ups. Lesson learned. Everything within moderation. Even the push-up app thingy says to take a day off in between. So, I think I'm going to start going to curves three days a week and do push-ups on the alternate days. I absolutely cannot afford to get hurt. This weight loss isn't going to be at the expense of my health. Injury causes discouragement and it has held me back before. Except, in the past I just give up. This time, I’m going to figure it out and change up the routine. So next week it will look like this.
Sunday- Push-ups/bike

Monday- Curves

Tuesday- Push-ups/bike

Wednesday- Curves

Thursday- Push-ups/bike

Friday- Curves.

Saturday- off, except I will try to do something active with the family
I am also going back to menu planning. I’m going to be very diligent about planning all of my meals. Lunch will be a challenge for me on the days I go to Curves because I will have like three minutes to eat on my way back to work. My lunch may be cut by 15 minutes due to a change in schedule. I was struggling with slimfast and fruit because I just couldn’t swallow it after day three or four. But, it might work now that I am only going three days a week. It’s actually pretty sustaining. Then I can stay at work and do school work or read while on lunch a couple of day. It will make things feel less rushed.
My motivation is there. I’m ready to do this, I just need to figure out what works and learn from what doesn't. And I need to slow down. Because, trying to do everything all at once like superwoman just doesn’t work for me. Now ask me after I finally lose that 100th pound, and I might have a different take. But I’m gonna be patient and start off slow. It took me 31 years to pack on this weight; it’s not going to fall off in a month!
I’ll be back tomorrow to share my push-up madness and menu for the week. Until then, People magazine has a great article on what people across the country (including an inspiring school district in California) are doing to get healthy! You should pick it up!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nope, not tonight.

Today has been an exceptionally long, painful day. Insert shameless whining. My hip hurts, my knee hurts, my foot hurts, my shoulders hurt, my arms hurt, my neck hurts. And you know what?? Losing weight sucks. Because all of the things that you have to do to to make the whole process work are medicine for injury. Injury=setback. Setbacks are killer for motivation and self esteem. And I simply don't have time for them!!!!!! Okay, thanks for letting me get that out. I'm really trying to ignore my hip, hoping the pain will just "work itself out" However, today I think it was speaking to me by throwing off my balance, annoying my bad knee, and then my good knee and also my badish foot and then my back, oh yeah! So, I think a night off is in order. I didn't make it to curves because the lady that opens was late......again. I guess I'll change my lunch time to accommodate her lack of schedule adherence. But after the way I feel tonight, it's probably a good thing.

How to bounce back? Well, I think I'll research some post push-up stretching methods. Then, I'll do my school work. And then I think I'll go to bed early and try to rest by over tired body.

Until then, sorry for the less than up-beat post tonight. But, I'm beat. And Shiny-Happy Lori is taking a night off.

BUT.....Tomorrow really IS Friday, and I have an exciting weekend ahead, so I know it only gets better from here.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's Friday night.....

Oh wait....no it's not. Shoot. Oh well, only a one more night and it will be. Not that that has anything to do with this blog. Other than let you know how delirious, or perhaps delusional I might be.

As far as the diet goes today, well, not as bad as yesterday but much room for improvement. Ask my tummy, and my complexion. I did however make it to Curves today. I pushed through my workout despite my uncooperative hip, crampy calf and wobbly arms. I also weighed myself and I'm holding steady at my most recent loss. I'm happy with that, considering I have not been very consistent.

And, of course, I did the push-ups. I was hoping for a measly 30 or 40, following my app. But no, because I was honest about my progress yesterday, it made me do 70! And I will go to sleep tonight....again.....with quivering biceps. But you know what's cool? I can totally feel the effects of my push ups in my abs! I had know idea what a workout they are. So, painful yes. Worth it? Time will tell, but I'm anxious to see the results of push-up consistency. And maybe one day I can get off of my knees.

With that, good night. And here is to hoping tomorrow will fly so that I can really say "It's Friday night!"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 1-2.

So even though I posted yesterday, I realized I didn't update my blog with the results. I'll do better from here on out. Today's blog will sum up yesterday AND today!

Yesterday I did great. I stayed with in my recommended calorie intake (per Sparkpeople app), I didn't indulge in anything despite being hungry all day, and I did my 100 push-ups....on the wall. Yes. I was using my incredibly sore hip as an excuse for not getting down. And my arms were kinda fuzzy feeling, and I thought I did great. I didn't use my app, because truthfully, my push-ups kinda got lost in translation and I had to get back out of bed to do them, in attempt to stick with the program. Probably not my best effort. But, I did them.

Today....I didn't do great. I didn't eat breakfast because I was so concerned with getting Caryn to her first day of Kindergarten. I'm fairly certain I had more butterflies in my tummy than she did. Then, I got hungry and I needed a bag to put her sleep mat that I forgot to bring in, so I stopped at the gas station. I got a small fountain Pepsi and pink snowballs. Yup, breakfast of champions. Then I went to get my oil changed. Then I needed to get lunch since I was going to be late for work, I wouldn't be taking a lunch. So, with only $3 to my name, I got the cheapest thing I could for the least amount...a double cheeseburger and a coke....and it was SOOOOO good. Then, I got to work. Then I was hungry about 2:00 so I had a bag of pecan sandies from the machine. Then I was hungry at 4, so I got a bag of bugles and a diet dr. pepper. Then I got home and had a mini chocolate mint moonpie before dinner. Then I had a healthy dinner (not that it mattered after the preceding menu items). And then....I did 100 push-ups.....on the floor. And wow. My arms are, ehem, yah. no words to describe. There are hand indentations on the floor and it is a little difficult to type. But, I did them. For real today. And my hip wasn't bothered. Yeh for that part at least.

The moral of today is that sometimes days suck. But that should not derail the program. I am not going "Start-over" tomorrow, I'm going to continue on and do better. I will start my three day marathon at Curves. I couldn't go yesterday or today because of other obligations. But I will through Friday. It will be a challenge and I'll probably be limping sluggishly around work for the rest of the day, but I am going to go work my butt off and stay with the program. Then I will come home and cry through another 100 push-ups and remember why I am doing this. Perhaps I will put a picture of a really awesome dress under my chin as motivation. Whatever it takes, right? Anyway, enough rambling for tonight. Tomorrow is another day. The best thing is, God gives us a new day everyday and really doesn't care what happened yesterday. I am forever thankful for that, and the blessing of good health and the ability to make myself healthy!

Don't forget to check out Kama's progress! http://writeofweigh.blogspot.com/


Monday, August 8, 2011


I did it! I completed the 5K. It's great, I know. I finished, that's what everyone is telling me. Yes, it's awesome. However, for me it's a little more complicated than that. You see, for the past three years, I have been challenging myself to do this thing. I really want to run it. In fact, I want to run in a half-marathon. At least I still have time for that challenge, since my goal was to do it by the time I am forty. The point of my ramblings is that I am moving backwards instead of forward. This year, I was fortunate enough to tie my chip time with last year. At least I didn't get slower again, I guess. But the biggest issue here is how I felt afterwards. Last year, I did this 5K seven months after have surgery on my knee. That was my excuse for a lackluster performance. The truth is, I didn't prepare. This year, I let my excuse for not preparing be time and weather. And I'm paying for it. I'm sore all over. This is the first year finishing actually hurt. That's not cool. So while I motivated others to do it for the first time which totally rocks, I didn't do myself any service. Somethings gotta change!

With that, I realized a friend and I have similar goals. We both have kids, both have husbands and both have over 100 excess pounds that are slowing us down. And we have both decided we can't do it alone. So, we have challenged ourselves to stop making excuses and do something about it. We are going to work together to lose weight and get healthy. And we have a team of mama's behind us for support along with our husbands. We are not going to cut each other any slack. We have challenges, goals, consequences and rewards. We are going to share pictures of our journey along the way. And, if you are reading this, we need your help too! Here is how it is going to go:

1) We must complete our challenges everyday. (The first challenge is 100 push-ups a day, tracked by a phone app)
2) We must blog about it everyday.

So that means you are going to be hearing a lot more from us! Root us on, push us harder, motivate us, challenge us, love us, hate us, join us! Whatever it takes.

Please join me in welcoming my buddy Kama and follow her blog http://writeofweigh.blogspot.com/ Together, we will make weight loss history and prove that two busy moms, one who works outside of the home and one that works at home, both with a common goal, have what it takes to lose the weight, and that it's better when your not alone!

And it's on!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm doomed!

The ever so famous Woodstock 5K that I vowed to be uber prepared for this year is in just a few days. I swore up and down that I would walk before dinner with the kids. Guess how many times that has happened? Indulge me as I whine a bit. Being a working mom is hard. Not to say it is harder than a stay at home mom, which is difficult in it's own way, but it is hard! There isn't enough time. I've adjusted the time I wake up and attempted to adjust the time I go to bed. (you see how well that is working out, right?) But it just never works. My schedule looks something like this.

4:30 AM alarm goes off for hubby
5:00 AM I roll out of bed and shower
5:30 AM Hubby leaves and I attempt to take 30 minutes of quiet time before the kids wake up.
6:00 AM Kids are up and getting ready
6:30 AM Kids are off to Mom-mom's and I'm off to work.
7:30-11:00AM- work like a dawg
11:00-12:00PM- 30 minutes at curves (when there is someone there to open the doors) and a quick lunch.
12:00-4:30PM- Working again.
4:30-5:15PM- Driving home from work
5:15-5:45PM- Picking up kids, getting organized (HA!) for the rest of the night. Usually this means zombie mode in front of the laptop for 40 minutes til I or the hubby muster up the motivation to feed the hungry kids who have usually fed themselves with snacks (at last I can say the snacks are healthy) by then.
6:30-7:15PM- Dinner
7:15-8:00PM- Kid time usually reserved for snuggling, reading, bathing, arguing, snuggling, you know....
8:00-9:00PM- A desperate attempt at getting school work done so I don't have to cram it all into the weekend. Usually spent by alt-tabbing back and forth between facebook, news stories and discussion boards.
Target bedtime is 9:00, but it usually is more like 10-12, depending on the workload and my focusability. (yes, this word will be a new induction to the Lori Dictionary)
*Disclaimer: This schedule does not include any church meetings, dance class, school orientations, altered work schedules, etc.

So, you see, when on earth am I supposed to fit a walk in? I know, really poor excuse. The other really poor excuse is that is horribly hot. And after working on my feet all day in between a sales counter and a hot warehouse, the outside hot beating sun of 6:00 PM is not very appealing. And there are not alternatives for walking in this bo-dunk town unless I'm a member of a massive Baptist Church which is pretty much not ever going to happen.

Thanks for letting me whine. I'm so unprepared for this 5K. I'm gonna hit the exercise bike and curves (assuming someone is there to open the door, unlike today) and stretch like crazy. I'm so proud of my church family for braving the storm with us this year, and I can't let them down. I will finish, even if they have to wheel me off of the course. I need to do it for myself, my kids, my friends and anyone who thinks this is a big deal. It's really amazing and I never regret it. I just dread it. Especially this year.

And with that, I'm going to have sweet dreams, I hope you will do the same!