Monday, March 29, 2010

Up a little

So last week it appears I gained slightly. Nothing too alarming. It was basically because of my lack of healthy eating at dinner, and lack of exercise. I forgive myself though. And will do better this week.

This week, I've decided to start counting calories. Since I joined the pound for pound challenge, I don't want to let the food bank down. So a little bit of discipline is in order. Counting calories is so not hard when you use nutrition tracker. It makes it easy, and most every food you can eat, good, bad or otherwise are already loaded. My goal is to stay around 1600 calories a day, and burn at least 300 at the gym on the days I actually make it there. I also want to make a better effort to work out at home on the days that I am not. I ordered a new workout dvd that I get to try free for 21 days. I will give that a shot when it arrives next week, but until then. I need to really get to the gym more often. After all, my first 5K on May 29th is just around the corner.

Already this week, I have been reminded of who is in charge. And, it most definitely isn't me. Thank GOD for GOD and JESUS. Because without them, and without faith, I would be nothing. If I have learned anything from this journey, it is that with God, anything is possible. And when I let go and let God, miracles happen. And miracles come in all shapes and sizes. I will be thankful for every single blessing, big or small that I run into.

Alright, family is home which means mommy break is officially over. Time to read books, go for a walk, eat dinner, and rejoice in the rest of this day!

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