Monday, March 15, 2010

One month mark

Well, today is officially one month since I started this venture, officially on this blog, anyway. I don't think I did too bad, considering all of the challenges I had.

Total loss for the 1st month is 4 lbs!

That is 4 lbs that I will never see again!

This week, I am starting to train for my first 5K which I will walk (or maybe jog ;) ) on May 29th with my hubby! I am very excited, because after that, I will officially start training for my first 1/2 marathon in Chicago, which is August 1st.

I really need to be more dedicated to my activity. So far, I feel like I am all talk and no show. I want to go to the gym, and I want to do stuff at home, but I feel like I'm too worn out, for find reasons why I can't. That needs to stop. I've conquered the cravings, now it's time to conquer the excuses. I was watching the biggest loser this weekend in between cleaning. Last week was work week. They had to work 40 hours, plus work out 1hr in the morning and 1hr on the evening, and still do well in the competition to stay in the game. It was exhausting, and they were not allowed to make excuses. And every one of them lost. Until that show, I kinda thought, well it's all good for them, they get to work out 6 hours a day. It really hit home when they had to do what I do all day and still compete. So, if they can do it I can do it. I can't go to the gym twice a day, with hubby's schedule. But I can workout at home in the morning. It just takes a little motivation, and drive to get my rear out of bed earlier. And I can go to the gym at least once a day, I just need to manage my time a little better. It is important that this mission not cut into my family time. My kids cannot suffer at my expense. So, I have a lot to figure out. And I will. It won't be overnight, maybe not even this week. But it will happen. And I will not only be healthier, my family will be happier and more relaxed in the process.

So, this month, my goal is to get organized. I need to prioritize my goals. I need to realize my priorities and stick to them. And if it means the dishes sit in the sink until tomorrow so I can work out a little harder, so be it. Because, this is my last straw!

On my way to being Fabulous At Forty!

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