Monday, March 22, 2010

-1.4 this week!

I'm very happy to announce that after a week of very little exercise, I am down 1.4 lbs. Proof that adjusting your diet does work! So just imagine what will happen when I continue with the healthy diet and get on a exercise routine :)

Last week I signed up for the pound for pound challenge, pledging to lose 50 lbs by June 30th. I know that is a stretch. But it you think about it, it is only about 5lbs a week. I will not be upset if I don't get all 50 lbs. But I will bust my tail trying. There is something easier about chasing my own goals when they will benefit someone else too! Every pound I lose, the challenge will donate the same about in food to the local food bank.

This week, I will begin to do a 30 minute workout in the morning at home and 100 crunches, and then attempt to go to the gym at least 3 days to do my couch to 5K training. I'm walking in my first 5K on May 29th! Kenny will actually be running in it too! I'll probably be pushing the kids, lol. Then the kids will run/walk in the 1 mile fun run. I'm very excited about doing this as a family. It is so motivating when my personal journey is not alone!

Alright, that is all for today. Thank you to all of my cheerleaders!


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