Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why this time is different

Today, I finished my 10th session with my trainer. That is five weeks of going twice a week for an hour, and working out at least three more days. This is huge people, and let me tell you why.

If you know me, you know that I have been on this journey of wellness or weight loss or whatever you want to call it, for a very long time. If you don't know me, well, I have been on this journey for a very L O N G time. Just look back at this blog. I started it the year I turned 30. So, that is what, three years or something?(Yeah, I don't do numbers) And that is only since I began this blog!! During this time, I have started a ton of stuff; Joined a gym, registered for races, bought exercise equipment, bought workout clothes, joined weight watchers (a couple of times), purchased diet pills and diet plans. You name it, if it is on the market, I've probably tried it. But the life span of these experiments never really extended past three or four weeks. Last year I was probably the most committed (until now) than I ever was. I even registered to run in my first half marathon. Then (insert excuse) I got hurt. And I gave up. It was simple. And then I grew. But not in the way I'm proud of.

So why is it different this time you ask? Well allow me to explain. It has been F I V E weeks. Five weeks of commitment. Five weeks of working out, five days a week. And I have not made that much progress. Okay, maybe I have. I've lost a pants size. And according to the weight on my wellness challenge from church, and the scale I stepped on this morning, I have lost (gasp!) 10 lbs! But normally, this would not be enough for me around week four and I'd quit. Make an excuse. Say I'd start again tomorrow and indulge in a big brownie or ice cream sundae. But not this time!

I've had to fight myself to push forward. There have been days when that ice cream sundae could have solved world peace. But I fought through. The first four weeks, I did suck bad with my diet. This week was really the determining factor. It is usually the time I give up. However, I decided last week that I would make no more excuses. I made a meal plan, cleaned my kitchen, and committed to sticking with it. It was not easy either. I cannot tell you how much I wanted to order pizza. Or go to McDonald's. Or just not eat at all. But I did. Prepared dinner every night, according to plan. Brought my lunch everyday, according to plan. Worked out when I had absolutely no desire to do so. I cannot tell you how amazing that feels!

When I left my trainer this morning, I wanted to jump for joy! I love her to death. She believes in me and motivates me. I wish I had that much confidence in myself! But she has enough for both of us. I cannot believe I made it this far, however next week will present a whole new challenge. I will be on my own for my workouts, everyday in a hotel with a gazillion strangers. Totally out of my comfort zone. Well, if I have made it this far, I'll be damned if I'm going to give up now! I will workout, I will eat right and I will come back ready to kick it up a notch. Because in exactly one month I will get on another plane to London, and I will be going shopping before we leave! Cause I'm going to kick ass preparing, and work myself out of a wardrobe.

The moral of this story is.....get over that hump. Whatever it is that is holding you back, get over it. Do not give up. When it gets hard, work harder. One week is big. Two weeks is bigger. Three weeks is huge. Four weeks is amazing. Five weeks is HARD. But that sixth week will be so amazing so push on through and rock your wellness goals! You are worth it!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! That is just awesome--you have such a great attitude! So cool to see yourself doing things differently than the "old you" would have. You're rocking this!
