Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh My Gosh. I'm nuts.

Yup! I signed up to do an 8K race. I did this two years ago and did an awesome job preparing for it. Last year, I bailed last minute due to sick kids (and total lack of prep.) This time, I'm going to rock it. Starting next week, I'm going to get my but in gear. Next week because we are leaving Thursday night to go to Atlanta. Caryn and I will get our fair share of touristy exercise, but there will be no regime. But starting Monday, I will figure out how to fit it in. I've really slacked off for the past month or so, and it's time to kick it into high gear! Yeh! I'm scared, yet excited. I can't wait to post the results!

Two Goals:

Finish in an hour or less

1 comment:

  1. An 8 (eight) K? In an hour or less? That's some really fast walking, girl! Be careful! And go, you!
