Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Months

As the first month of our challenge comes to an end, there were ups and downs, trials and tribulations, loss and gain. I don't have the final numbers because I don't have a scale and I don't go to curves anymore, but I think I did pretty well. In fact, I fit into a size smaller pants yesterday and they were not even tight. They may have been generous, but I'll take it! One thing that I have learned from the challenge is that while it might sound easy, it might not be so. Don't jump into it head first. Go slow and with moderation. Since I started off hot and heavy, I had to slow down and even stop to recoup! Ouch! Lesson learned.

This month, Kama and I have decided to change up the challenge a bit. I think we are doing 100 crunches a day or at least work towards that. I have also given myself a goal which I cannot reveal. But in two months I'm doing something that will require a very strick and reginmented routine to achieve. I'm going to stick to my calorie goal, not give in to temptation and work very hard to do what I can physcially without injury. I can't wait to see what two months of following this plan will produce (or reduce). I promise, I'll let you in on the secret by the end of the year, but for now it's just between me and my girls, and the person I'm paying, lol.

So, I will do my best to update this blog regularly, though it might not be everyday because I'll be busy doing everything else. Wish me luck, because it won't be easy. But I don't have a choice because now it's going to cost me money! I don't like to waste money ;)

Have a great Labor Day everyone!

I'll post a before picture later.

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