Monday, February 22, 2010

-1.4 Woo hoo!

I'm so excited that I lost this week. I wasn't sure, since the first couple of days were filled with the stuff I couldn't have the rest of the week. But, I did good.

For lent this year, I gave up a lot. I mean come on, Jesus gave his life for us, at the very least, I could give up some of the things that could potentially make my life shorter, for him. So, I gave up sweets (in which I joined carbonated beverages) and fast food. These are things I quickly turn to if I'm in a hurry, hungry, tired, or just convinced that I need something sweet, hungry or not. Instead of filling the listed voids in my life with the listed vices, I will fill them with prayer, fruits, veggies and water. So far so good. And I'm able to teach my very impressionable 4 year old a lesson in faith, discipline and Jesus at the same time! Added bonuses that I didn't plan for, but very welcome!

I decided I won't bore anyone reading this with my food diary anymore, but I am still keeping one, just to myself on paper. In case you want to know what I am doing, since I basically said I'm not going to do anything drastic, to lose weight and get healthy, here it goes. I am not eating sweets, fast food, or drinking soda. I'm limiting my salty intake, and alternating things like chips and pretzels, with healthy portions of nuts. I'm drinking tons and tons of water, and for the occasional caffeine need, I am drinking "awake" tea. Instead of snacking on candies, cookies, or chips, I'm bringing apples, oranges and cheese sticks. Instead of eating hamburgers and fries, I'm eating healthy frozen meals or low calorie soups with crackers for lunch. And for the late night munchies, instead of chocolate cake, I'm eating a bowl of lower calorie cereal like plain ol' cheerios. And when I think I'm hungry, but really shouldn't be, I say a prayer, drink some water, chew a piece of 2.5 calorie gum, and then if I'm still not satisfied, I have one of the snacks mentioned above. During the first week, these small changes were only challenging occasionally, but for the most part, welcome. I feel absolutely great today, with the exception of a minor head cold. I have energy, I'm not bloated, and I feel lighter. I think that it may actually stick this time. Because, I, with God's help, am now in control. I'm not bound by a restricting diet, or counting points. I'm bound by my own choices. And I am the only one who will suffer if I slide. That makes it easy for me!

I also was released by my PT to go to the gym again. I worked out for an hour yesterday, and plan to do so on the days I do not have therapy. I am very excited to be on this mission, with nothing holding me back! I understand that even though the first week was successful, it will not always be like that, but I will keep on keepin' on. And in that, I find peace!

So, week 2, here I come! Can't wait to see what is in store for me.

1 comment:

  1. You are inspiring, Lori. I like what you said about only being limited by your own choices. It's so true. If we can stop and think about why we're about to make a bad choice, it can help us make a better choice. Hang in there!
