Monday, April 29, 2013

It's almost May. Yay!

**Breaking news before our regularly scheduled programming. In the coming months I will be changing up my blog, or perhaps starting a new one. One of the things that motivate me is when others say I motivate them. ME! Motivate someone! Who would have thought! So, I thought I’d play with that a bit. There are so many people who keep me moving along on this crazy journey I’ve set out on. I want you to know them too! So I will be inviting fitness guru’s, other people on weight loss journeys, wellness coaches…. Basically whoever might bring useful stories or motivation to the table is invited to join me on my blog! There will be interviews, guest spots, articles, ETC! I plan to be much for active and far more relevant for anyone who spends time here. So stay tuned! I’m super excited to see where this goes. And I hope it offers you something that you can use wherever you are on your journey!** And now back to the other stuff.

I’m afraid I’ve been suffering from bloggers block. And fitness block. And eating lunch block. And the managing time block. And…okay you get the picture.

It’s been a few weeks since I checked in here. Why you ask? Well, I’ve been working, traveling the world, reading, being a mom, working, reading etc. You know usual stuff. What I have not been doing is staying on track with my wellness goals. But I’m not going to beat myself up too bad. Despite April being low on the success scale, overall my results are favorable. I’ve lost 18 lbs (or something) and gone down a pants size and walked in my first 5K since I got hurt last year. I did not go backwards when the going got tough. So despite the fact that I can count on one hand the amount of times I actually worked out this month, I’d say things are still on the right track.

Bring on May. I turn 33! That means I’ve officially been blogging this journey for three long years. And in those three years, I am proud to say I am the farthest along today than I ever have been. Awesome, right? And this May I’m getting serious. I’m working on a plan to get our family on track by eating healthy and being active. I have also set new attainable goals to take me through the rest of the year, and I am stoked! I hope to be down at least one or two more pants sizes, and have to buy new clothes by the end of July and by the end of November; I hope to have hit my weight loss goal of 60 lbs. Though if that takes until the end of December, that is fine too. It WILL happen this year!

It is not easy. It is NOT easy. I make it sound easy, but it is NOT easy. I’ve accepted that, and now I’m trying to tweak my plans so that I can improve every week. I’ve just got to accept that fact that we are a super busy working family who has a full calendar, and oh, we are human. All of those magazines and blogs, and parenting sites are so full of great ideas that should be easy for any competent mom to do; except this one. But if I have learned anything in the past three months it is that I have to be flexible and stay positive and keep trying. So while I have a plan, I know it will not “stick like glue”. There will be road blocks. But one thing that I can commit to is making healthier choices whenever I can, and to not continue to go backwards when something doesn’t work out. I try very hard to not get discouraged!

So let’s do this. I’m so excited to leave April in the dust and start as fresh as the beautiful flowers blooming in May. This is going to be such an exciting spring and summer that I can hardly contain myself.  I hope you will join me in staying positive, setting attainable goals and relishing in the beautiful seasons ahead of us! 


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome, upbeat blog post, Lori! I'm glad to find someone else on the road to success with their wellness. I just blogged about this same topic the other day! *LOL* Feel free to message me anytime you want to talk- about motherhood, fitness, food, whatever! And go you! With that attitude, your goals will become realities.
