Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is reading this.....and that is a mom-like figure. Today has been a great day for me because not only did I get to spend time with my family, I achieved another goal on my wellness journey. This one didn't really look like I had originally thought it might; it was few awesome things wrapped up in a nice little bow, and I'm so excited to share it with y'all!

So last year in July I bought a dress. I blogged about it. See that here!

It was a pretty dress, super cute and super cheap. And it should have fit, because it was my size. But when I tried it on it was scary. And it really bummed be out. I was already at a pretty low point any way, because all of my plans for health and fitness fell through the cracks when I got hurt. I was bigger than I ever was, more out of shape than I had been in years, and just overall down about stuff. So the dress in my size not fitting (even though it really ran small, probably marked wrong) was a big blow. It sucked. So I got motivated and decided I was going to do something about it. It lasted about a minute, but hey, my heart was in the right place. I was bound and determined to wear that dress and look good in it. I even hung it on my wall to keep me on track.

Fast forward 10 months and I did it! I wore that dress today. And when I say it didn't look like I thought it would, it's true. You see, I envisioned this tall knockout with a string of pearls and red high heels turning heads as I walked down the street. I had totally unrealistic goals of how I should wear it, and how long it should take to get there. But this year is different. Today, I decided to try on that dress. I've lost some weight and at least one pants size. I tried it on before I went to London, but didn't feel it. Today was different. I can't explain it really, but when I tried it on this morning, it fit. Not just physically, but mentally. I felt proud, and excited and pretty.

The feeling was not in the super model walking down the street turning heads way. It was in the accomplishment way. I know it's not exactly where I wanted it to be, but it is so much better than it was.So when I say it was many things wrapped up in bow, I will share, I promise. First enjoy these before and after pics.

Okay, back to the story. The package is this: Self confidence, hitting a goal, and PROGRESS! Yup. The first pic may not look that much different than the second. Maybe a little slimmer on the waist, and under the chin perhaps. Not really that noticeable; to me, anyway. The difference is all in my head. Back in July, I hated myself. I hated the way I looked and the way I felt. All time low! I had the motivation on the surface, but not in my heart. I knew what I needed to do, but not the drive to do it. And so nothing changed. Except I sank lower and lower. This year though, I feel amazing. I have fully embraced the whole package. I know what I have to do and I'm doing it. I've accepted the fact that I will not change overnight, and that I have to work my ass off to achieve my goals. And I accept the fact that a little progress is a big deal! A BIG DEAL! I feel good. No, I feel GREAT. And I know that as long as I keep moving in the right direction, the next time I check, this dress won't fit at all! That won't be tomorrow, maybe not even this year. But I will get there, and it will be amazing.

So yes, I'm excited. This is a great feeling. A feeling that I can do this, slowly, with great patience and determination. That there will be bumps in the road and I will make mistakes. I'm not ever going to be perfect. But I can feel the changes happening and I can see progress, small as it may be, and that is enough to keep me going! Yay!

Have a beautiful rest of the day. Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. The dress is beautiful, but the girl in it even more so. CONGRATS! You're rocking this journey, mama! <3
