Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wow, it has been a long time since I have made an appearance here. As you can imagine, that is probably because I have nothing to report. Well, on my whole weight loss journey that is. So, I've decided to take a different spin on this whole journey. I'm going to call it a Wellness Journey, instead of weight loss. Weight loss leaves too much room for failure. To many gaps in the plan, especially for the completely random over scheduled, under organized person like me. Wellness is a better plan. Because it involves way more that just numbers. In my mind to be well is to be healthy, happy and energized. All of those things are directly related to weight loss anyway, right?

So, I am going to use this blog as a place to discuss the fabulousness of being well. It may or may not have anything to do with diets, or exercise. It might be a random rambling, or a tidbit on mental health. I will share anything cool I come across that my readers might benefit from. And I will probably still discuss the trials and tribulations of achieving my wellness goals along the way. I think by only limiting this blog to my weight loss journey, I'm holding back all of the cool things that go along with being well. I want this to be a place that I can use as an outlet and to entertain others who may be facing the same challenges that I am. And I need a place to ramble on an on about what my husband would consider "nothing".

 I thank you for visiting and reading my randomness, and would love to hear how whatever it is that I say relates to whatever might be happening with you. Here goes nothing!

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