Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh My Gosh. I'm nuts.

Yup! I signed up to do an 8K race. I did this two years ago and did an awesome job preparing for it. Last year, I bailed last minute due to sick kids (and total lack of prep.) This time, I'm going to rock it. Starting next week, I'm going to get my but in gear. Next week because we are leaving Thursday night to go to Atlanta. Caryn and I will get our fair share of touristy exercise, but there will be no regime. But starting Monday, I will figure out how to fit it in. I've really slacked off for the past month or so, and it's time to kick it into high gear! Yeh! I'm scared, yet excited. I can't wait to post the results!

Two Goals:

Finish in an hour or less

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picture Perfect.

So here it is. Me. Yup. In ALL my glory. I couldn't have picked a more flattering outfit, huh? Actually, this isn't bad compared to a few years ago. But I'm not worrying about it. I know what it is and I have accepted it. Changes are on the horizon. I have a very expensive goal I have to meet in two short months. So, by Christmas, expect a much different image. Changes are on the horizon not only for my body, but in my heart and mind. Things are just kinda strange these days, and I'm not sure where the road leads, but I'm going to follow it with vigor, hope and faith. I'm excited and scared to experience the changes. But God will lead the way. I will close with a scripture I found last night that is oh so relevant to this season in my life:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5

Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Months

As the first month of our challenge comes to an end, there were ups and downs, trials and tribulations, loss and gain. I don't have the final numbers because I don't have a scale and I don't go to curves anymore, but I think I did pretty well. In fact, I fit into a size smaller pants yesterday and they were not even tight. They may have been generous, but I'll take it! One thing that I have learned from the challenge is that while it might sound easy, it might not be so. Don't jump into it head first. Go slow and with moderation. Since I started off hot and heavy, I had to slow down and even stop to recoup! Ouch! Lesson learned.

This month, Kama and I have decided to change up the challenge a bit. I think we are doing 100 crunches a day or at least work towards that. I have also given myself a goal which I cannot reveal. But in two months I'm doing something that will require a very strick and reginmented routine to achieve. I'm going to stick to my calorie goal, not give in to temptation and work very hard to do what I can physcially without injury. I can't wait to see what two months of following this plan will produce (or reduce). I promise, I'll let you in on the secret by the end of the year, but for now it's just between me and my girls, and the person I'm paying, lol.

So, I will do my best to update this blog regularly, though it might not be everyday because I'll be busy doing everything else. Wish me luck, because it won't be easy. But I don't have a choice because now it's going to cost me money! I don't like to waste money ;)

Have a great Labor Day everyone!

I'll post a before picture later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wow that was quick!

I can't believe that it is already September. It seems like August went by too fast and it can't be true that summer is already over. I mean, it's still 100 degrees out! Come on already!

So herein lies the challenge. I failed miserably last month. I got hurt, then I got sick, then I got hot and tired and then I got sick again. I never lost site of my goals. I had to remember that I was human and not capable of doing to all at once. However, there are far to many excuses in this short paragraph.

To be honest, I really do not know what the solution is. Time management continues to be an issue. I tried really hard to create a menu of healthy stuff that we will actually eat. Thing is, it takes time to prepare these extravagant meals. Time is not something that is plentiful around here. Any given night we are called to a meeting or a school function or a dance class, or need something at the store for a project or are just plain pooped. So it's usually 7 by the time we eat, kids are in bed by 8 and then we are as close to a zombie as humans can be. I wish I knew the solution to the evening drag. Where can I get the burst of energy I need to be productive after 5?

Since that question likely to go unanswered, I have a couple of things I am going to try this month. I have to quit curves (again) because my work schedule changed so I can't make it on my lunch break anymore. I'm really going to miss that! The upside though, is I have an extra 45 minutes everyday to do school work. So far this week it has worked out well. Hopefully it will free up book time on the weekends. But to replace curves, I'm going use my bike and computer more. There are lots of great free exercises available online. I want to dedicate at least thirty minutes a day to some sort of physical activity. I also want to include the kids in this plan, but that might mean introducing weekend hikes or something, because it just isn't going to happen during the week. And I'm going on a soda and cake fast. No cake, and no cokes. This means not at fast food or restaurants either. I'm also giving up fast food at lunch. I will bring my lunch everyday, and if I forget, I'm just going to be hungry until I get home. I think those are three things that will help me achieve my goals. Next month, I'll see what else I need to tweak.

I know these changes don't seem like much. They are pretty big to me though. Soda is my outlet. I use it as my "caffeine" Kenny and I love to enjoy cake when the kids go to bed a few times a week. Not as much since we started eating dinner later, but still, it is not a good habit at all. And fast food at lunch is just ridiculous. There is no reason why I can't make my lunch while I'm make Caryn's. What I need to do is stop rationalizing my actions and also to allow for flexibility. I know that the game changes sometimes and you have to adapt. But it doesn't have to be so hard and the derailing doesn't have to be permanent.

Weight loss, life changes, routine altering...these are all very difficult things to accomplish. I wish there was an easy button. But, I am determined to figure it out before I retire! lol. Well, hopefully before then.

Have a great month everyone!