Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 1-2.

So even though I posted yesterday, I realized I didn't update my blog with the results. I'll do better from here on out. Today's blog will sum up yesterday AND today!

Yesterday I did great. I stayed with in my recommended calorie intake (per Sparkpeople app), I didn't indulge in anything despite being hungry all day, and I did my 100 push-ups....on the wall. Yes. I was using my incredibly sore hip as an excuse for not getting down. And my arms were kinda fuzzy feeling, and I thought I did great. I didn't use my app, because truthfully, my push-ups kinda got lost in translation and I had to get back out of bed to do them, in attempt to stick with the program. Probably not my best effort. But, I did them.

Today....I didn't do great. I didn't eat breakfast because I was so concerned with getting Caryn to her first day of Kindergarten. I'm fairly certain I had more butterflies in my tummy than she did. Then, I got hungry and I needed a bag to put her sleep mat that I forgot to bring in, so I stopped at the gas station. I got a small fountain Pepsi and pink snowballs. Yup, breakfast of champions. Then I went to get my oil changed. Then I needed to get lunch since I was going to be late for work, I wouldn't be taking a lunch. So, with only $3 to my name, I got the cheapest thing I could for the least amount...a double cheeseburger and a coke....and it was SOOOOO good. Then, I got to work. Then I was hungry about 2:00 so I had a bag of pecan sandies from the machine. Then I was hungry at 4, so I got a bag of bugles and a diet dr. pepper. Then I got home and had a mini chocolate mint moonpie before dinner. Then I had a healthy dinner (not that it mattered after the preceding menu items). And then....I did 100 push-ups.....on the floor. And wow. My arms are, ehem, yah. no words to describe. There are hand indentations on the floor and it is a little difficult to type. But, I did them. For real today. And my hip wasn't bothered. Yeh for that part at least.

The moral of today is that sometimes days suck. But that should not derail the program. I am not going "Start-over" tomorrow, I'm going to continue on and do better. I will start my three day marathon at Curves. I couldn't go yesterday or today because of other obligations. But I will through Friday. It will be a challenge and I'll probably be limping sluggishly around work for the rest of the day, but I am going to go work my butt off and stay with the program. Then I will come home and cry through another 100 push-ups and remember why I am doing this. Perhaps I will put a picture of a really awesome dress under my chin as motivation. Whatever it takes, right? Anyway, enough rambling for tonight. Tomorrow is another day. The best thing is, God gives us a new day everyday and really doesn't care what happened yesterday. I am forever thankful for that, and the blessing of good health and the ability to make myself healthy!

Don't forget to check out Kama's progress! http://writeofweigh.blogspot.com/


1 comment:

  1. Awesome hon, Kudos for you keeping to the routine, despite derailment, that takes determination!!!
