Wednesday, March 3, 2010

rough night

Ugh, don't know why. I'm just letting things get to me, and getting all bothered for no reason. It could be the "end of 2nd shift" syndrome, it could be mother nature, I dunno. But I am eternally grateful that Kenny has helped me in not keeping junk food in the house. And I also realized, no matter how much I deny it, I really do have a problem with food. For years and years and years, I swore up and down that I don't turn to food in my times of need. But tonight, I scoured the cabinets, looking for something to satisfy my void. I stopped for a moment, prayed, but still went back. Not cool. So, I need to work on that. This is the first real moment of weakness of this magnitude that I have realized since I started this adventure last month, and possibly the first time I have EVER admitted it. So, now that it is out there, I can start to work on it. I need to figure out what I am really hungry for. I think I have the answer to that. It lies within my heart, and is controlled by God. I need to work on breathing in the good stuff, and breathing out the bad stuff. I need to pray, read, listen and learn. And sleep would probably help. And exercise definitely wouldn't hurt. So, with all of these things combined, I can climb this mountain, conquer this challenge, and come out a big loser on the other side. Please pray with me, and for me as I battle this demon!

Many blessings!

1 comment:

  1. breathing with you, Lori!

    Admitting stuff is sometimes the hardest thing. I'm proud of you. It might be the first real step to change.

    Are you letting yourself have juice? I've been finding that a somewhat satisfactory replacement for the bad sugars I've been trying to not eat. Even so, it's kind of a sorry substitute. Try to keep breathing till the urge passes.
