Monday, February 8, 2010


For the last 20 years, these 3 letters have been a HUGE part of my life. I never saw myself beyond that 3 letter word. I looked in the mirror and saw FAT. The kids at school called me FAT. Boys didn't want me because I was FAT. I couldn't find cute clothes because I was FAT. That word defined me.

In the last few years, I have grown out of that word. Now, I am still FAT. But I have learned that I am beyond that word. I am strong willed, full of love to give, actually loveable, a good friend, a good wife and a good mother. I have confidence in myself, and ambition to better my life. I have worked hard for about a year to lose the part of me that is defined by those 3 letters. It has not been easy. I have worked out, dieted, you name it. It's not easy. And I have no willpower. So that makes it even easier, lol!

So, I have decided that this is it. If I can't do it this year, I'll go to the extreme of weight loss surgery. And since that is not an option for me, I'm going to do it! In January, I had surgery on my left knee. A latteral release. I'm currently rehabing it, and can hopefully get back into the swing of things by Spring. My first huge milestone will be on August 1st, when I walk in my first 1/2 marathon. I'm going to go about it differently this time. I'm not going to diet and count calories, and fall for every new fad on the market. I'm going to eat sensibly, journal what I do, exersise, pray and have fun!

This blog is going to serve as my outlet to share my struggles, my success and my thoughts and feelings. I'm going to share what works, and what doesn't. I'm going to be brutely honest. I'm going to post pictures monthly. And best yet, I going to own the 3 letters that have defined me for much of my life. I'm going to be Fabulous At Thirty!

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