Saturday, August 3, 2013

Where have I been??

According to my blog, the last time I made an intentional effort to continue on the highly motivated path I set out on was on June 24th. Hmm, where has time gone? Truth is, I don't know. I blink and it's August! And I have nothing to show for it, except perhaps a few extra pounds. Actually, I've been pretty lucky there, but that won't last I'm sure.

So in typical Lori fashion, I let life get in the way. Work got busy, but in a good way. So many doors have opened since I last visited my F.A.T. blog, it is almost overwhelming. I joined Authors on the Air Global radio network as an on air host of my own show, which has been beyond awesome! I've traveled a bit, and so has the hubs, but that's it. One thing I have not done is, well, anything remotely healthy.

This really sucks, because I was making such great progress. Once stuff got busy, I stopped visiting my trainer. She was fantastic and wrote out workouts for me, but I didn't do them. I miss her, and our sessions; they were instrumental in my success. I ate like crap, rarely went grocery shopping, and was a regular fixture at the local fast food joints.....that is if I ate at all, which is a whole other issue in itself... and likely the reason the scale has not gone up.

The past week was perhaps the most challenging. One of the great milestones I hit was getting off of blood pressure meds. Well, guess what? When you stop doing all of the things that got you off of it, you have to go back on it. I had an allergic reaction, my body couldn't fight it very well so it lingered on and on, I had to take drugs, my blood pressure reacted, I felt miserable and am still climbing out of it.

It is really funny how everything is connected. You know, the whole diet, exercise, health, quality of life; it all works together. Fail at one, the others go down hill too. And I know this. Everyone reading this knows this. So if we know this, then why is it so easy to forget?

I say life got in the way, but really I got in the way. I let my priorities get out of whack. And when this happens, it happens full force on everything. My schedule feels out of control, my house feels out of control, my job feels out of control, I am out of control. The hardest thing about being me, is serving ME. I'm super quick at jumping for everyone else, that I neglect myself, which in turn makes me neglect everyone else. Vicious circle it is.

So what is the plan? Heck, I don't know. What I do know is that I have a binder of excellent workouts that need worked out. I have a fabulous room full of exercise equipment that needs dusted off and put to use. I have two kids who are more than happy, ready, anxious even for mommy to get back on the bandwagon. And I have a fully equipped kitchen quite capable of helping me prepare the necessary meals to help us all be a little healthier.

I'm not going to say I've been making excuses why I can't. I just HAVE NOT. I have not done anything. No excuses, no effort, nothing. So I think that is an easy fix. I still have time to hit my goals. I am my only barrier. I have to be on board. I have to make the decision. It really is all about me. And I'm fabulous, right?

So I'm going to kick myself in the ass and get back on board. Its time to make this happen, once and for all (again). Lord help me stick to it this time! And help me get the heck out of my own way!


1 comment:

  1. This is sooo truthful and insightful Lori I LOVE it!!! I LOVE you !!!
