Sunday, July 11, 2010

When life gets in the way.

So week one of my challenge for myself didn't go so hot. It started off okay until we got the phone call that a loved one had passed. So we packed the bags and left town. I did alright on the road, making healthy food choices at the fast food restaurants (with the exception of the necessary caffeine in the coke form) and even discovering my ability to do jumping jacks again, in the bathroom in a gas station. Then we arrived. And there was food. Lots and lots of food. And there really wasn't anything to do but eat. So that's what I did, along with everyone else. I really am not upset with myself. Life gets in the way sometimes. But my stomach is pretty ticked. I feel awful, duh! Then I discovered the recumbent bike in my father-in-laws basement. I'm pretty sure I heard it speak to me. It said something like "No more excuses Lori, I am here, where have you been?" And now I have a plan. I know I'm not going to eat well tonight, as I sit here at Wendy's finishing up this weeks homework downing a tub of coke and a small fry, so I don't feel guilty using the free wireless. But tomorrow is a new day  (thank you God) and I WILL rejoice in it! I get the pleasure of working with some old co-workers while here in Ohio, so not to eat up all of my vacation time. Before work, I will ride that bike for as long as I can stand it, and do as many of my physical therapy exercises as I can without the fancy equipment. I will eat better. I will not give in to temptations. I will remind myself of the reasons I am on this mission. My step mother-in-law was not a healthy person, physically. She was overweight and sedentary. It was not like she didn't have ample opportunity to take care of herself (hello recumbent bike and stash of really nice walking shoes) She just got stuck in her habits of reading, gaming and face booking. She didn't move, and she didn't pay attention to the cues her body was giving her. She died of a massive heart attack at the young age of 56, leaving behind a husband that adored her and a son and future daughter-in-law who thought the world of her. No one will know why she let herself go like this but her and God. But her passing is a wake-up call for those of us who plan to occupy these earthly bodies God has provided for us. I am only 30, have high blood pressure and a long family history of heart disease. So, even though there are mounds of delicious looking food, and really comfy couches and patio furniture at my disposal for the next 5 days, it is up to me to avoid them. And if I want to stay here for very much longer, I guess I'd better ignore them and remember those two beautiful children, amazing husband and this golden path God has paved for me. Recumbent bike and healthy food, welcome back into my life. Delicious looking temptations, it was nice knowing you!

Many Blessings!


  1. Go you! It's really hard when you're traveling and with family, but you're on a roll now!

  2. Wow, Lori, it sounds like you have much wisdom and you are really looking at this the right way...I'm so proud of you! Slightly concerned that inanimate objects in basements are talking to you, but ... (j/k!) You go, girl, and see you soon :) Keep it up; I had a wake up call, too, and am back on track mentally instead of just going through the motions - and it's mind over matter, right? Praying for you guys!

  3. well said lori i see you have a lot of will power and thats what it takes .yes that was a wake up call .time for changes .it was nice to see you and kenny and them lovely kids .

  4. What amazing wisdom your blog contains - I'm so proud of you!! You have your goals made, and the road of success to the goals will follow, perhaps in baby steps, perhaps 2 steps forward, 1 step back -- but the positive attitude will let you succeed. You're awesome, gal! Love you . . .
