Monday, June 14, 2010

Lori...not following through with something?? No!

Ha! So, it's been don't remember when that I posted last. If you scroll down to my first post, you will see that I said that wouldn't happen. If you know me, you probably laughed at that part. Or you had hope that this time would be different. Well...I guess it sort of is. Because I'm here now, aren't I?

So in my very last post, you will see that I was a tad over ambitious. I mean come on. A minute by minute, play by play schedule of my day? LOL! Right. That worked for, well maybe the first minute. Truth is, I suck at scheduling. I am good at knowing what I am bad at though. And I'm learning how to fix that.

I'm pretty sure that it has been since my last post that I started going back to school. I am an official student of Axia College, where I will earn my associates degree before moving on to my bachelors. This is a big step for me. I've never been good at school. But guess what, it is week 7 and I'm getting an A in both classes! So, I can do good in things I think I'm bad at! Yeah me!

Conveniently, my first two classes are Health and Wellness and University Studies. Very timely. Health and Wellness has been great because it has re sparked my passion to be well, and to help others be well. University studies is great because it is helping me learn how I learn and how I need to learn how to learn! It is also teaching me how to manage stress and manage time. I'm usually good with the stress part, but, well as you may already know, not so hot on the time part.

How does this all relate to weight loss? Well, wellness is about health physically and mentally. And when working on one, you have to work on the other. It's a total lifestyle change. I know this, but I have not quite grasped it yet. I get to doing great then something happens like a stupid foot issue, or money problems and I fall off of the wagon. So now I have a different approach. Baby steps.

I know I have some things to work on:

1) Finances
2) Weight loss
3) Time Management
4) Spiritual time
5) Goal setting

I know that these won't happen overnight, like in my dreams. I won't wake up one day suddenly organized, fit, rich and holy. So I've devised a plan to not make a plan. Here is how it will work.

Stop doing things that cost money, other than the things I have to do that cost money, ie drive. This means no more eating out (except for the occasional planned affair) Eat healthier when I eat at home. Make TIME for exercise, not EXCUSES for NOT. Try a simple routine that works for everyone. Don't get discouraged when it doesn't work, find out what will work, and change it. Pray. I think I've got that one down. But, I do need to read the bible more. So, I'm going to make that a priority. Somehow, even if it is reading it to the kids. And finally, goal setting. I'm not going to tackle this one just yet. I need to get some of the other things straight first.

I've learned a lot during my brief hiatus. Like how not writing this blog, not remembering that I AM FABULOUS AT THIRTY, and just sorta giving up will make my weight come back! I need to remember why I am doing this. Why it is important. Why others are counting on me. I need to listen to God. He has been sending me messages. Some I've acknowledged, others I have not. But looking back, I get it now. He is telling me that I will not be able to do the things that he has planned for me if I do not get my act together. So, I hear that. Will this be easy? Heck no! Will I fail again? Heck yes! Will I give up because I failed again? Heck no!

Life as I know it is going to change. I'm going to stop going in a vicious circle, and start following the path that has been laid for me. Because I owe it to God, myself, my family, my friends and the future lives I'm going to change!

I feel at PEACE with this! Now let's move!

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