Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Month, New...Money?

Out with the old, in with the new. I read my last blog at it was rather whiny. And in my experience, like excuses, whining doesn't get you anywhere. So we are starting fresh. With a lot of things! And I put my money on it.


I joined a Diet Bet. It is actually quite neat. I am one of a thousand or something people who are competing to split a pot of over $17K. All we have to do is post our weight and before pictures, put a little cash in the pot, and lose 4% of your weight in 28 days. Everyone who loses the weight, splits the pot. For me that is roughly 13 lbs. And here are the lovely before pictures:

 If anyone knows me personally, you know I take monetary goals very seriously. Especially if I invested in it. If you don't know me, well, I have been over my sales goal at work for 14 months. In May, I sold the most ever, though my goal was higher so my % to plan was a measly 135%. Sheesh. But goodness gracious, how have I only now discovered dietbet? Really? (Thanks Facebook!) 

Not only is there the diet bet, but there is this fabulous group I've joined on facebook full of beautiful women and a few handsome men, who have banned together to to get in shape. Some are already in shape and there to motivate us while maintaining or fine tuning their own fitness goals, other of us have a long way to go, like me! And we've decided to do a thirty day ab challenge, that also started yesterday. It looks like this:


One of the guys in the group has challenged us to NOT be afraid to sweat, and instead call it gloss. So we are taking turns posting pics (and even a video!) of what we look like all glossed. (see my glorious glossy below). And let me tell you, that has to be one of the most motivating things I have had going in a long time. How to cool is it to actually see evidence of others working just as hard as you! It is almost as good as having a real live workout buddy. I'm loving it! If you would like more info on our fabulous group, please let me know, and I'll put you in touch with one of the group leaders. We'd love to have you join us!

Speaking of the leaders of the group....remember how I said that this blog would be inviting some folks to share with you? Well one of the leaders, the beautiful Nina Knelbik will be my first guest....come back often to catch up with her interview and the rest of the awesome guests who will appear.

So the moral of this story is, we are not in this alone. Find something that motivates you (money, people, clothes, shopping WHATEVER!) and stick to it. We've got this! Let's Go! 



  1. Awesome blog update Lori. Thanks for you shoutout to the group. What better incentive then money to get you toward your goal.

    Lori DeMania

  2. Oh the things and people we meet on Facebook! Great post as she eats a cookie... Put that cookie down Ginger Dawn!
