Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summertime! Yes!

That is right, school is out, swimming pools are open, the lake is full of boats, sun is shining, pollen has disappeared (for the most part) and vacation season has officially begun. But that is not why I'm excited about summer. For me, this year at least, summer has an entirely different meaning.

Over the school year, schedules are crazy. They start at 5:30 AM when the alarm goes off (and I affectionately turn it off with minimal force). It is rush, rush, rush. Hurry up, get the kids out of the door (and always late to school), get on the road, go call on customers, rush to get the kids from daycare by 6:00, go home, try to throw something that resembles healthy together for supper so that you can eat before 8:00PM. Usually that doesn't happen because I will have forgotten to take the meat out of the freezer so Papa Johns to the rescue, or a quick Sonic run. Then we STILL end up eating at 8:00. I will stay up way to late catching up on the work I didn't get done, go to bed, not sleep, wake up and do it all again. Exhausting, right? (and that isn't even all of it!) And before you get all "Oh Lori, you can do better, you just have to manage your time better" on me, believe me. I know. I've got it all figured out! On paper. But that is usually where it stays. Forevermore.

But summertime. Oh glorious summer. The alarm doesn't go off. I wake up at 5:30 AM all by myself. The kids are laid back, my mom takes them so no rushing off to school. I can actually eat (gasp) breakfast and make it to my first customer PREPARED! Wow. Miracles happen in the summer. For some reason, I get home at a decent time. I pick the kids up and have plenty of time to make dinner. Tonight, I made fish! And it didn't suck! And fresh veggies, and cous-cous. Oh my goodness, an entire home cooked meal, on the table before 7:00! I don't know what it is, but it is almost as though a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I have the resounding feeling of peace. The "little me" on my shoulder is cheering me on "You've got this Lori, you've got this!" And I do.

So the meaning of my summer is the opportunity to slow down. I vow (ha!) to not make unachievable goals. I vow to at least eat dinner at the table four of the seven days in a week. I vow to make use of the looser schedules that come with longer days and shorter nights; to use this time to work HARDER to achieve my goals. Do you know when you just have a good feeling about something, but you can't really pin point what it is, or why? Well that is where I am. So YAY for summer. Yay for getting my act together and for the relief of knowing I've been ridden of at least one of my recurring excuses.

Happy Summer!


Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is reading this.....and that is a mom-like figure. Today has been a great day for me because not only did I get to spend time with my family, I achieved another goal on my wellness journey. This one didn't really look like I had originally thought it might; it was few awesome things wrapped up in a nice little bow, and I'm so excited to share it with y'all!

So last year in July I bought a dress. I blogged about it. See that here!

It was a pretty dress, super cute and super cheap. And it should have fit, because it was my size. But when I tried it on it was scary. And it really bummed be out. I was already at a pretty low point any way, because all of my plans for health and fitness fell through the cracks when I got hurt. I was bigger than I ever was, more out of shape than I had been in years, and just overall down about stuff. So the dress in my size not fitting (even though it really ran small, probably marked wrong) was a big blow. It sucked. So I got motivated and decided I was going to do something about it. It lasted about a minute, but hey, my heart was in the right place. I was bound and determined to wear that dress and look good in it. I even hung it on my wall to keep me on track.

Fast forward 10 months and I did it! I wore that dress today. And when I say it didn't look like I thought it would, it's true. You see, I envisioned this tall knockout with a string of pearls and red high heels turning heads as I walked down the street. I had totally unrealistic goals of how I should wear it, and how long it should take to get there. But this year is different. Today, I decided to try on that dress. I've lost some weight and at least one pants size. I tried it on before I went to London, but didn't feel it. Today was different. I can't explain it really, but when I tried it on this morning, it fit. Not just physically, but mentally. I felt proud, and excited and pretty.

The feeling was not in the super model walking down the street turning heads way. It was in the accomplishment way. I know it's not exactly where I wanted it to be, but it is so much better than it was.So when I say it was many things wrapped up in bow, I will share, I promise. First enjoy these before and after pics.

Okay, back to the story. The package is this: Self confidence, hitting a goal, and PROGRESS! Yup. The first pic may not look that much different than the second. Maybe a little slimmer on the waist, and under the chin perhaps. Not really that noticeable; to me, anyway. The difference is all in my head. Back in July, I hated myself. I hated the way I looked and the way I felt. All time low! I had the motivation on the surface, but not in my heart. I knew what I needed to do, but not the drive to do it. And so nothing changed. Except I sank lower and lower. This year though, I feel amazing. I have fully embraced the whole package. I know what I have to do and I'm doing it. I've accepted the fact that I will not change overnight, and that I have to work my ass off to achieve my goals. And I accept the fact that a little progress is a big deal! A BIG DEAL! I feel good. No, I feel GREAT. And I know that as long as I keep moving in the right direction, the next time I check, this dress won't fit at all! That won't be tomorrow, maybe not even this year. But I will get there, and it will be amazing.

So yes, I'm excited. This is a great feeling. A feeling that I can do this, slowly, with great patience and determination. That there will be bumps in the road and I will make mistakes. I'm not ever going to be perfect. But I can feel the changes happening and I can see progress, small as it may be, and that is enough to keep me going! Yay!

Have a beautiful rest of the day. Thanks for reading!
