Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ha- I'm back....

You know, I hate trying to lose weight. I wish obesity was the norm sometimes. But, I realize that it isn't. I wouldn't call myself lazy....all of the time. I think I just have too much on my plate. A full-time job, a full-time course load, two kids five and under, a working husband and an active church life. Where does eatting healthy and working out fit in? Strangely, the two (supposedly) would help the others get easier, or so I hear......

So, in the last two years I've tried it all. Weight watchers, sparkpeople, beach body, the biggest loser, calotren etc. I've also contemplated medical weight loss (pills and shots) and even surgery. I don't want to do something so drastic, because I know I can do this! But, how. When. Where. Why? What is my problem? Why is it so hard? Just ugh!

But, as I look back at the ups and downs one thing remains consistent. My desire to lose weight is strong. My motivation is in my head, but it stops there most of the time. And the need is non-negotiable. I have two small children. I have a husband. I have an abundantly blessed life that God has given me. And I need to do something (yesterday) to sustain it. What I am doing now is NOT working.

So here I am again. I have a new exercise bike in my dining room. The weather has turned. My kids have spring fever. And it is time the excuses stop. I need to do this so that I can be happy and healthy and live the life God planned for me. But how?

I'm going to try Weight Watchers again. I'm hoping to meet some online accountability buddies so I'm not going at this alone. I want to lose weight so desperately. I am 30 now (FABULOUS AT THIRTY OF COURSE) and I am really starting to feel it. There has never been a better or more important time to take action. I owe it to GOD, myself, my kids, my hubby, my employer, and everyone else whose life I may touch in the process. So, as I begin (tomorrow since it's bedtime) I am going to strive for greatness and do this, once and for all.

Many Blessings,


To my facebook friends who read this....no, I'm not on facebook until Easter! I can follow through with at least one thing in my life :) I just thought I'd post this...for motivation, accountability and to let you know I'm still alive, since I don't talk to most of you anywhere but there! See ya on Easter! Be Blessed!